Design it yourself

When I try to focus on too much!

If you work it.

I fancy myself a creator. I am usually working on one project or another. The Sonique Spider Web being my coup de maitre, the master stroke, that I hope to launch here shortly.
But being a perfectionist, which is just another word for procrastination or fear, I become distractible. Wanting to do many things, too many me thinks. I’ll start another project before finishing the first, see the Sonique Spider Web above, I’ve been at that since 2004!.
So being true to nature here is another distraction to perfect.

Something to …

Design it yourself.
The idea, guitar straps that can be embellished however you might like.

The concept seems inventive enough, and has potential to generate ideas galore.

The strap material white poly-propylene is a challenge to put a mark on but..


Not sure what marking to test the material with, experimentation was in order. Many markers and pens worked though not as easily as I would have hoped. The strap material is not flat like a piece of paper or willing to absorb ink in away that might be preferred.
Here are examples of some designs and various means used to draw on it.

That is supposed to be a VENOM likeness for a friend of mine.

And then they came into existence


Coming from a place of fascination, and idealization were they bred. Imagination brought them into existence. And, like they who construed them, they take many forms and personalities. Playful, personable, proactive, problematic, perplexing, perturbing. A plethora of types to fill the imagination with wonder and enthrall their advocates and detractors alike.

These silhouettes can be made from many materials, these seen here are cut from of leather and a much easier to work with foam material.
Attached to the strap by way of a pin, or 2 sided tape and velcro loop material these can land anywhere one might prefer.
Size may matter. I currently am training a purple suede shadow dragon to monitor my practice regimen and determine how well it holds up.

Rough Draft

As with many creative endeavors, the refinement process can be embellished and improved upon. Novel and I think more attractive solutions to the original design will offer alternative expressions in visual appeal. These will of course be developed further as opportunity affords, not to mention the potential of other creatives to run with the idea and elevate the art form to ever new and interesting levels.

I call the ones with the wide wingspan divebombers and the narrow ones wasps!

music and media

As musical paraphernalia that can be deployed as a statement of what your interests are, you can decorate your strap how you see fit. Putting on display to your audience the things that matter to you and uniquely identify and endear you to your fans.

Or if you’re a fan and want to express yourself to a favored musician whose instrument is supported by a strap and that can be decorated to demonstrate your appreciation to that musician you can do that too!

insight and innovation

Given the never ending cacophony of ideas and ideals there are to pursue it can become distractive at times to focus whole heartedly on one thing in such away as to bring it to fruition in any period of time.

Fruition can mean many things, as far as artistic endeavors are concerned, getting it out there to be seen or heard is probably the foremost thing.

This takes time and patience which often can benefit the result even if the process may seem to stall. That doesn’t mean things are still or nothing is happening at some level.

Despite imposing consternations that want to deter a project. If the interest is great enough to start, it can be enough to finish.

Given some time and recognizing that it like wine, things can and do improve with age if such is worked on, the process will bring such efforts ever closer to realization.

so then


It may seem obvious and redundant to say, but we pursue that which interests us the most regardless of what we might think or say we are interested in. We do what we want for the most part when given the freedom to do so. So it stands to reason, that when given the opportunity of a choice, what is the interest that propels us to action, and what does it say about us that we choose this or that to focus and act on?

I say this as I look forward to a day of labor at various tasks that while doing them I find myself wishing I was doing something else.

But the option to choose is always in one way shape or form, more or less available and those choices are rife with endless possibilities to distract. So then, what can propel the creative choices that are desired when the time is available to act on them?

in a word, begin

As already mentioned a lot of what gets started takes awhile to get where it is going, but won’t get there if it never starts. And if it starts then stalls but still seems like it wants to go, remember where the motivation came from in the first place and fill the tank with that and with a word closely related to begin, continue.

voila !

If you would like to purchase a Strap with a Shadow Dragon see below. Or Contact me for more details.

White Guitar Strap with Shadow Dragon Silhouette various colors

White Poly- propelene guitar strap that can be decorated as you see fit. See examples in the blog. Includes 1 Shadow Dragon Silhouette that can be attached via velcro to the strap, various colors sizes and silhouette shapes.

