an original available artistic expression for purchase.
Recent artistique result derived from the information in the post below
2021 08 31 matter blog 02 vivid

j’ART 0563

The above original image is available to purchase. 18″ by 24″ ink on mixed media paper


So I like to be practical and somehow creative. How to multitask so I can do what needs to be done, as well as, do what wants to be done?

Combinations can work. I have had jobs that afforded me a lot of free mental space to think about things that were not work related, sex notwithstanding. Coming up with new ideas that can be utilized outside of the employment paradigm, wherein I want to be proactively and productively creative! 

One such example comes to mind. Once whilst stocking shelves I thought up a game for my 5 year old grand niece (is that a thing?) to play. This involved hiding several of her toys about the house and yard, leaving written clues next to each that lead to finding one after another, and of course blaming it all on the cat! She enjoyed that so much she asked for more of the same. So I consider that and what follows a form of multitasking.

So I also want to express myself to myself sometimes, putting things down on paper sounding out my thoughts as it were. Sometimes stream of consciousness stuff, sometimes pragmatic, sometimes wistful and sometimes pedantic. Not stuff I need to share with the world but need to get out of my head for one reason or another.

I have found away to do that and make something in the process.


Art from journaling. 

When writing with this intention, the words I am thinking, get scrawled on the page in a rather haphazard and non linear fashion. As well as in a variety of handwritten fonts and sizes and languages, to say nothing of direction, oops just said something of direction

Then in the clearly monochromatic style that has been my go to for ever. And within the spaces between the marks made from the letters written, I color (?) those in. 

music and media to incite insight and invigorate innovation.

Here is a 2.5 minute video of the effort, and some additional artistique expression.

As I look at/within these combinations of letters, color, of light and dark, I seek some indication of what interests me. Or  maybe I’m just projecting desire into the result of the endeavor?

I ask (sarcastically sardonic) ‘if only there was some way to know what I really want ?’ 

Mundane proclivities aside, and aren’t they all mundane ? 

The want is to matter!

As we are made up of matter, and have interests that matter, sometimes wondering, what’s the matter? Seeing the word in these contexts begs the question. Does it matter?

But there is no escaping that this is a significant part of existence. 

So figuring out how to do that, how to matter and realizing the many ways in which we already do, can and does make it all the more challenging and interesting to continue to do so. I hope you know you do.

We matter, we need to, we do and we are.
