Too many options!?

Octavio playing my guitar

Music and media to incite insight and invigorate innovation

My mission statement such as it is. This is so I can focus on something that will lend cohesion to this effort. In that regard I have recorded another video to demonstrate making scales more complicated and possibly more interesting to play. Still within the key of A Major and slightly altered from the previous post. The intention of developing technique thus is as away to focus the mind on the goal of improving ones musical vocabulary and afford new abilities of expression.

but wait there’s more!

There is always more, more to say, more to combine, a related but presently irrelevant trajectory to take, so much more!

It is easy to get overwhelmed when thinking about all the options possible to develop and express oneself, and bewildering to wonder which ones will have the most impact.

This happens a lot when I try to learn new things both on the guitar and the keyboard, as well as in my video and recording efforts.

Then whence once engaged, the questions flood in. ’Is this clear?’, ‘should I add this?’, ‘what of saying that?’

Should I over explain in my effort to simplify the subject or limit my fear of being misunderstood and let the reader viewer take what they can from my expression.

This is ultimately all that is really hopefully going to happen.

For the most part its all going swimmingly!

So when feeling overwhelmed by the gimungous hunormities of potential possibilities I sometimes revisit that which I know well and put off leveling up to use the parlance of the gaming world. Having reached a certain level of competence it can be comfortable to leave it at that and merely imagine a time when progress will be made instead of doing something about it now.

However, often times I find that after putting forth the effort to move beyond my current abilities then returning to the well trodden paths of been there can do that I have improved there as well!

Now if I can just find the will to produce more content…

Underwatermelon soup outro