
sound cloud has a new artist

scotch and second thoughts

I don’t know.
Is it the desire to make some sort of progress?
Having maintained an unwillingness to connect, ask for help.
All the while recognizing a need for such.
Connection / Help.
Wanting to hide in a relative obscurity.
Long term, it all becomes obscure so…?
What is there to be afraid of?


Having been a self involved and self indulgent sort for so long it is a challenge to acknowledge I might be wrong about my choices thus far.
About my devout narcissism and unflinching desire to remain alone and untroubled by the rest of the world.
Meanwhile the world remains as it is, untroubled by me.

The effort to make oneself a going concern is quite the quandary!
I matter to me but do I need to matter to you to feel…?

Whole, complete, worthwhile, considered?

Beyond of course the perfunctory consternations, comprised of past compilations and complications, contrived by conditioned considerations that may or may not be relevant anymore !?

D’accord (of course) the mirror works both ways.
Do you need to matter to me to feel…?

Whole, complete, worthwhile, considered…?


These feelings are possible irrespective of others, though the contributions that interaction with others contracts, enacts, protracts and exacts, can embellish said capacity to feel and that is perhaps a salient point on which to proceed with the potential dilemmas or delights such interaction can result in.

Allowing understanding (standing under ((Is that even possible?)) and did I use parentheses right?) of another and especially of oneself to develop!?

What’s the matter?
How does one choose to PRESENT is difficult!
One can choose to interact with whatever spirit one can manifest.
(sorry I’m french at my core) ( even if incorrect I am still french!)
How does one choose to be PRESENT ?

I am the same as you yet different.
Wanting to maintain an existence and make the most of the matter I am from the matter that is?
How then to not get sucked into the ego tactical maneuvers that seem to make up so much of existence?

ISO help to facilitate sharing but with the caveat that I get credit for doing so!
Is sharing in and of itself not enough?

“There is no limit to what one can accomplish if one does not care who gets the credit!”
Uncertain of the source but the phrase has always reverberated.

What does one want to accomplish that matters so much and that credit would be irrelevant?

The dog I live with won’t let me comb his hair.
He accepts massages, petting, food and living arrangements but refuses to be groomed.
To what end?
His rear end!
His feces sticks to his fur and from my own experience, when feces sticks to my “fur” I prefer it not be thus.
Plus there are the burrs and other various flora and fauna that a long haired dog is bound to accumulate living in the Sonoran Desert.

Maybe it is about control.
I want him to be groomed cause he is a reflection of me somehow.
However after being informed by an appreciative onlooker that “he is a beautiful dog” my response is “yes but I had nothing to do with that” this despite my desperate and disparate attempts at grooming him.
Irregardless he seems content.
Yes I wrote irregardless despite my vain awareness of someone else’s awareness that such conjugating is redundant and irrelevant.
But so is almost everything in existence save for what our perception allows as to observable facts.
Which are just interests in things that are what they are but also what we wish them to be.

Solomon wrote in Ecclesiastes “ To the making of many books there is no end and much devotion to them is wearisome to the flesh” But I suppose it depends on the reader and the books. Besides all things eventually weary the flesh. So read anyway and enliven the experience and observation of the known universe as well the unknown.


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